
Pokemon Live Wallpaper

2019年10月24日 — Pokemon Live Wallpaper. One of the most advertised new features of the new Pixel 4 is the Pokemon live wallpapers. My Pixel ...

Google Pixel 4 開箱Motion Sense 皮卡丘桌布怎麼玩!?

2019年10月21日 — 從桌面長按壓螢幕>>>「樣式和桌布」>>> 「動態桌布」>>>「擴充你的收藏」 中就能下載「Pokemon Sidekick」動態桌布後更換。

Top Free Pokémon Phone Backgrounds

Check out this fantastic collection of Pokémon Phone wallpapers, with 33 Pokémon Phone background images for your desktop, phone or tablet.

[心得] Pixel 4 寶可夢動態桌布安裝方法

2021年3月3日 — 補充:Pixel手機似乎無法安裝手機不用Root刷機https://youtu.be/nj7qT5KkCHQ 基本上按照這部影片的方法操作即可載點都在影片下方的說明欄位中.

Did Google remove the Pokemon Live Wallpaper for Pixel 4?

2022年6月13日 — a bit late to this post, but i was looking for the wallpaper and cant even find that now, have they completely removed it now?

Got pixel 4 but can't find the pokemon wallpaper

2024年2月14日 — Got pixel 4 but can't find the pokemon wallpaper. Anyway to get it?

Google's Pokemon Live wallpaper ported (no root)

2019年12月9日 — The Pokemon wallpaper is sadly discontinued but if someone has the latest build of this apk on their Pixel 4/4xl, I can mod it for newer devices ...


2019年10月24日—PokemonLiveWallpaper.OneofthemostadvertisednewfeaturesofthenewPixel4isthePokemonlivewallpapers.MyPixel ...,2019年10月21日—從桌面長按壓螢幕>>>「樣式和桌布」>>>「動態桌布」>>>「擴充你的收藏」中就能下載「PokemonSidekick」動態桌布後更換。,CheckoutthisfantasticcollectionofPokémonPhonewallpapers,with33PokémonPhonebackgroundimagesforyourdesktop,phoneortablet....